Trading College 

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Dow refer to? glossary stocks

Dow Jones Industrial Average

What does DAX stand for? glossary stocks

German stock index (Deutscher Aktienindex)

What does FTSE stand for? glossary stocks

Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index

What does AUD stand for? currency glossary

Aussie (Australian) Dollar

What does CAD stand for?

Canadian Dollar

What does CHF stand for? currency glossary

Swiss Franc (Confoederatio Helvetica Franc)

What does Cable refer to? glossary

Exchange rate between GBP and USD

What does EMA stand for? glossary the charts

Exponential Moving Average

What does FX stand for? glossary

ForexĀ (Short for Foreign Exchange)

What does ML stand for? glossary

Money Line (Refers to the pullback to the moving averages)

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